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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

12. Last round on lenses: water lenses in outer space

To finish with our tasks related to lenses, I would like to present a 'weird' way to demonstrate some of the propertiers of lenses. 
Astronaut Don Pettit, while on the space station, showed that you only need a drop of water and a lot of creativity to make up lenses which comply with the properties explained in optics textbooks. 

Please, watch Mr Pettit's experiment and complete the activities detailed on the worksheet that will be handed out by your teacher.
You can work in pairs and...enjoy the task!

N.B. Deadline to give in the completed task: Tuesday 17th February.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

11. Defects of vision and lenses

In the following video three different defects of vision are analyzed and their correction explained.

Working in pairs, could you please make a summary of the main traits of each defect and explain its correction through lenses?

Sunday, January 25, 2015

10. Lens Basics

In the following text you are going to be introduced to the main concepts (in English, of course) related to lenses. The goal of the text is not for you to get to know the logic of lenses (you surely know about it!). Its aims is for you to get acquainted to the English terms related to lenses. Please, read it carefully!

Once you have read (and understood) the text, here are two tasks which you might carry out with the help of Donald Simanek's web page.

The first task consists in giving answers to the questions listed in this document.

The second task consists in making up a PowerPoint presentation explaining the main concepts of the physics of lenses, giving visual examples whenever possible.

Have a nice time!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

9. Lighting Basics Tutorial - Three Point Lighting

Here you have a video on lighting: the three-point lighting system.

Please, carefully watch this clip and try to answer the questions listed in this file!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

8. Glossary of lighting terms

If you click on the corresponding link, you'll be able to get a file containing a glossary of lighting terms used by videographers. Could you try to translate them?

In class, you will be given an explanation  of the terms (in English, of course!) so that you can comprehend their meaning.

Following the glossary of lighting terms, a list of 'difficult' words (together with their Catalan translation) has been added so that you find  this task a little easier!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

7. Colours: Physics and Biology

What is the nature of colours?
If you watch the followintg video, you will get a clear idea of the nature of colours. As you will see, colours can't be explained only on the basis of the physics of light;  biology is needed for a correct understanding of how colours are preceived.
After watching the video clip, please try to complete the two tasks which are included in this file.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

6. On the Nature of Light: the Two-Slit experiment

To put an end to our investigation on the nature of light, we are going to take a quick look at one of the most important experiments in the history of physics: the two-slit experiment.

This experiment was first conceived by T. Young in 1801. It was thought to prove that light is a wave. However, at the beginning of the XXth century, with the arrival of Quantum Mechanics, the same experiment revealed that light (in fact, any kind of matter) is neither a particle nor a wave (or perhaps it is both of them at the same time!).

Please, watch the video you will find on this link and afterwards identify its main parts and its conclusion (the following link will help you understand the nature of 'quantum objects') .