View your Media Studies blog from here

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

8. Glossary of lighting terms

If you click on the corresponding link, you'll be able to get a file containing a glossary of lighting terms used by videographers. Could you try to translate them?

In class, you will be given an explanation  of the terms (in English, of course!) so that you can comprehend their meaning.

Following the glossary of lighting terms, a list of 'difficult' words (together with their Catalan translation) has been added so that you find  this task a little easier!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

7. Colours: Physics and Biology

What is the nature of colours?
If you watch the followintg video, you will get a clear idea of the nature of colours. As you will see, colours can't be explained only on the basis of the physics of light;  biology is needed for a correct understanding of how colours are preceived.
After watching the video clip, please try to complete the two tasks which are included in this file.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

6. On the Nature of Light: the Two-Slit experiment

To put an end to our investigation on the nature of light, we are going to take a quick look at one of the most important experiments in the history of physics: the two-slit experiment.

This experiment was first conceived by T. Young in 1801. It was thought to prove that light is a wave. However, at the beginning of the XXth century, with the arrival of Quantum Mechanics, the same experiment revealed that light (in fact, any kind of matter) is neither a particle nor a wave (or perhaps it is both of them at the same time!).

Please, watch the video you will find on this link and afterwards identify its main parts and its conclusion (the following link will help you understand the nature of 'quantum objects') .

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

5. What is light? A chronology of the concept of light.

Timeline  n.
a. A chronology.
b. A representation or exhibit of key events within a particular historical period, often consisting of illustrative visual material accompanied by written commentary, arranged chronologically.

The preceding lines belong to an English dictionary definition of the term 'timeline'.

Based the following text (An Introduction to Optics) and using any kind of tool you may find suited to your purpose (including web-based timeline software), could you try to create the chronology of the concept of light throughout history?

Perhaps you could proceed as follows:

First, read the text from beginning to end.
Then, look up the words you don't understand using an online dictionary ( Read the whole text again.
Afterwards, try to make a (handwritten) sketch of what your timeline should look like.
Finally, use the web-based timeline software you have chosen to create a chronology of the concept of light.

Feel free to enlarge the information given by the text with any events you consider important to understand the history of light. 

(And don't forget to upload your final product to your blog!!!)

Sunday, October 26, 2014

4. What are waves?

With the help of this video clip, could you try to answer the following (basic) questions on waves?

1. What are waves?

2. What are mechanical waves?

3. Why can waves propagate?

4. In the 'spring model', what do the springs represent?

5. Can you specify two different types of mechanical waves?

6. Can you define both kinds of waves?

7. What is 'inertia'?

8. What kind of particles tend to have more inertia?

9. In longitudinal waves, are the particles of the medium carried along by the propagating waves?

10. In longitudinal waves, why don't the particles of the medium move at the same time?

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

3. Introducing our new T.A.

Maggie Wright is our new T.A. She will share some of our classes and will help us (me too!) improve our English.

If she's going to be with us for the rest of this school year, we'd better know something about her.

Please, ask Maggie questions about her past, present and future; about her likes and dislikes; about anything you might think interesting to know ...and note down the main information because this task consists of writing a composition (150-200 words) about Maggie.

Don't hesitate to include any means available to you (pictures, recorded audio,...)!
If you need help with your English, don't hesitate to ask Maggie or me
Remember to work together with your team mates and be careful: no intimate questions are allowed!!!

Deadline for uploading your essays to your team blogs: 23rd October.

Monday, October 13, 2014

2. Performing mathematical operations

Last year's 101 Media Production students took an initial test in mathematics. 
You have also reviewed some basic maths during these first weeks of class activities. Please, take a look at the aforementioned test; you'll surely find it quite easy!!!

Well, now it's time for you to explain the steps that lead you to the correct answers to (at least) three of the problems set in the exam. And this has to be done in English, of course!!!

Please, use a PowerPoint/Prezi/Slideshare presentation to explain each step you take for solving the problems --and don't forget to specify the role each member of the team took to fulfill the task.

Deadline for delivering the blog post: 17th October

Tools: Rounding off - Powers - LCM / GCF

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

1. Introducing ourselves!

Getting to know each other!

Working in small groups (three-person groups, for example), you have to create a post in your blog introducing the members of the team.
First of all, greet your audience. Then, introduce yourself by speaking/writing about:
  • Your name.
  • Your birthplace.
  • Your birth year.
  • Your hometown (and neighbourhood, if applicable).
  • Some 'fun facts' about you (your favourite colour, number and kind of pets you own, etc.)
  • Your likes and dislikes.
  • The school you attended last year and the course you were in.
  • The school subject you dislike the most (please, do not mention 'English'!!!).
You can:
  • Use text and pictures.
  • Make up a PowerPoint/Prezi/Slideshare presentation (using audiovisual material).
  • Create a short video clip.
If you need 'ideas', visit the following web site:

Please, specify the role each member of the team took to fulfill the task.

Deadline for delivering the blog post: 3rd October

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Starter Task: Forming a team and creating a blog

The first task I suggest consists of  your drafting some of your classmates in order to form a team (within a maximum of three people, if possible). The team's goal will be to carry out most of the activities you will be asked to develop during this academical year.
Please try to form gender-diverse, multicultural, multilingual teams!!!

There is a second task which you should perform immediately after you have formed your team.
To let everybody access the output generated by your group, you are kindly asked to create a blog using one of the different web apps available online (Blogger, Wordpress,..). Please give your blog a creative name, so that everybody in the class can identify you right away!